Have you walked your penguin today?

Tuesday, 22 December 2009


Well this was a whole lotta fun!!! Inspired by Teesha Moore and her awesome youtube tutorials... Bring on the next round.
I am planning on growing my texta colour collection an indulging in a new year of jubliant journalling. So much freedom, and choice. The randomness is fun to tackle. I love the brilliant images in the National Geographic magazines I bought to do the "Magazine Collage" Atc's. The pig ears just finished her off...
Wow, wow, wow. 
Art is so much fun :)
Am hoping to challenge myself a little more in the new year. Can't wait to do a whole lot more ♥


Sarah W said...

This is wonderful. Brilliant in fact. You have done a great piece. I just love it.

Denise said...

Beautiful. I love it. I have not yet tried my hand at Zetti but I love to look at what others have done with it. One of these days. LOL

Tan in a tree is me said...

OOOhh compliments are such an encouraging thing. Thank you ladies :)

Lady Di said...

Tanya, your zetti pages are outstanding.

Suze said...

Fantastic zetti's, look forward to seeing more in the future.